The metro was decorated on my ride home.
Eliza, from Goucher! She's living at Foyer Charonne.
We were at the Pompidou cafe, where her bottle of Evian cost 4 euros.
Communal cooking space at Charonne, brings back memories. They were making a feast for dinner. Eliza was making cookies. I mushed some butter to help.
Julia and her sister Erin and I went out for Christmas dinner at Hôtel du Nord, right next to the Canal St. Martin. Julia found it on the internet, and it turned out to be a pretty cool place, good atmosphere, and delicious food! I took pictures of the menu so I would be able to remember what everything was.
Les entrées: Crème brûlée au potiron et feuille de brique au brie
Ravioles de chèvre frais au basilic et copeaux de parmesan
Little view of the restaurant, this is when we arrived around 8:15, by the time we left (like four hours later...) it was all filled up.
For Julia: Filet de daurade à la plancha, fondue de poireaux, jus passion/carotte
For Erin: Brochette de joue de lotte aux litchis, riz vénéré
For me: Noix de Saint Jaques grillées, au beurre d'orange, quinoa et légumes croquants
Crème brûlée menthe et citronnelle
Tarte au chocolat et basilic, glace au sésame blanc
(hard to tell, but stuck into the tarte is a breaded basil leaf)
Riz au lait à la vanille et confiture de vieux garçon
Then we left and danced the night away!
Eliza and I wento out a couple days later to the American Breakfast cafe in the Marais. We got cheeseburgers and split a chocolate milkshake.
Christmas lights in Paris are a little bit classier than in Questembert.
This I took the morning before I left from the window of a new friend's (Eliza's friend) family's two-story apartment in Montmartre. Totally sweet place and location. Sad to leave.
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